Monday, October 28, 2013

Wish list

Below is a list of things I want or want to achieve through weight loss and the gastric sleeve. I am sure that this list will be ever-evolving and changing as I begin to change myself.

1. Crossing my legs
2. Wearing boots in winter (not ankle boots but actual almost knee length boots!)
3. Not shopping in speciality stores or fat sections for clothing
4. Walking into stores and actually being served
5. Not having to worry about if I will fit on rides
6. Climbing the Harbour bridge, and not worrying about being able to fit into the overalls
7. Going to public events (concerts, festivals etc) and not being self conscious about being the fat girl
8. Feel more confident in public speaking  situations, and not just think everyone is looking at my fat
9. Having more energy to get up
10. Being able to go for a walk without being self conscious of my breathing
11. Doing things as a couple not centered around food
12. My parents being proud of me
13. Being happier, healthier and more energised!
14. Being fertile enough to have children

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